Let’s talk about homeschooling at the high school level for option 3 families here in South Carolina.
The South Carolina Code of Law does state families are required to cover math, reading*, writing* science, and social studies. *At grades 7-12th; reading and writing change to literature and composition (SECTION 59-65-47). A video explaining the South Carolina Code of Law for option 3 can be found here: Homeschool Laws and for a copy of the Code of Law, please click here: SC DOE
Now at the high school level, there are some things that families will want to research:
The first thing they will want to research is if their specific accountability association has any specific graduation requirements in addition to the South Carolina Code of Law for option 3. Some accountability associations do require families to follow the public-school graduation requirements* whereas others just require families to follow the South Carolina Code of Law.
The second thing families will want to research is if the student is college bound and has a college in mind they would like to attend, to look to see if that college has any requirements for applying students or recommended classes. These requirements may vary from the public-school graduation requirements and the South Carolina Code of Law.
*The public-school graduation requirements are as follows:
Please be sure you are checking with your accountability director regarding your specific associations policies because these requirements do vary association to association.
If you have any questions, please ask! We are here to help.