Homeschooling teachers qualify for many of the same discounts that public and private school teachers qualify for. Some homeschooling teachers qualify for even more such as the SC Museum.
I always ask when shopping if the store offers a teacher discount before checking out; usually they just ask to see your teacher ID card. Many homeschool associations send their families an ID card but if your association does not offer one, you can order your own through Homeschool Buyers Co-op (https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/homeschool-id/).
As a homeschool teacher, you also qualify for access to many free websites that teachers qualify for such as:
Teachers qualify for 1 year free to:
The following is a list of locations that offer discounts to homeschool teachers;
- SC Museum http://scmuseum.org/education/homeschools/
- A.C. Moore Arts and Crafts
- Ann Taylor Loft
- Apple Store
- Barnes and Noble
- Big Lots
- Books a Million
- Wonderworks
- Creation Museum
- Dell
- Goodwill
- Half Price Books
- J.Crew
- Joann Fabrics
- Michaels
- New York and Co.
- Office Depot
- Office Max
- Ripley’s Attractions in Gatlinburg, TN
- Aerosoles
- Banana Republic
- Pizza Hut Book IT Program for Homeschoolers
- Great Wolf Lodge
- Scholastic Book
- The Container Store
- Staples
- Blick Art
- Half Price Books
- PBS LearningMedia
- CJ Banks/Christopher and Banks
- Talbots